Football etcetera

People get so fanatical about football. Or tennis, cricket, rugby. Or indeed any sort of organised sport or the present day plethora of get-fit regimes. And they spend vast sums on tickets, clothing or equipment. Even folk who live in Christian community. Me? I don't get it - why should I subject myself to external rules and pay for the privilege? I have enough of that sort of thing in the work I do. Not that I have it in for such people - let them continue their infatuations as it will at least keep them away from the solitude I seek.

I imagine they might say of me: what is the point in your running and what's with the mortification of going barefoot? I am quick to answer (but I assure you, they are not looking for an answer): whilst running I am free, the outdoors here is unrestricted, beautiful and quiet, I can think things over and pray or shout and sing if I want, there is a great sensation when running minimalist - the ground against your feet, the wind against your chest, and it is virtually free. And it's good exercise. Of which, only the last is true of playing football. And as for listening to or watching a football match or, worse still, a cricket tournament - this must be one of the most boring occupations imaginable. For me.

But I know (and love) folk who would violently disagree with my stance. And I wonder how it is that we are so different?

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