Hard of hearing

I may have mentioned that I have suffered tinnitus for many years now. This constant background noise sets a lower limit to what external sound levels I can hear. In addition loud noise tends to distort in my ears. So for me the so called cocktail effect works in reverse - the more people speaking at once the less likely I am to be able to make out anything, so that I tend to retire, give up, at corporate mealtimes.

After church today we had a special lunch in honour of a student who has just graduated. I had been cooking vast quantities of chips in the kitchen so when I finally made it into the dining area the meal was already in full progress and there was a lot of talking going on. The noise level hit me rather like the heat can when entering a sauna. It was uncomfortable. So I went upstairs to get some ear plugs. A few minutes after returning those sitting nearby noticed and I was conscious of laughter at my expense. Not nasty - after all we are Christians - but laughter none the less.

Why is is reasonably socially acceptable to be lame, or blind, but having a hearing deficiency or going about without shoes on is not? Could I claim discrimination?


  1. Acoustic treatment in the area might help! But I applaud your sensible measures.

    1. Note convinced I am ready for that yet...

    2. By acoustic treatment I mean acoustical treatment of room surfaces.
