
About this time of year we host a convention. I regret I do not have any photographs to prove the point - cameras are too ubiquitous nowadays and anyway it is a bit naff to take photos in a meeting. To say that many people attend from all over the world is a bit of an overstatement - in fact numbers have decreased over the years and the few who now come are mostly from Ireland, the UK and the USA. The reason that numbers have decreased is, frankly, because not many people want to sit through such long meetings and be offended by the sort of stuff that is preached, even though we do offer most excellent hospitality in between. And, frankly, it is better that way, better that fewer people come and that the few people that do come come presumably because they really do want to hear this stuff. Although one cannot help wondering if maybe the reason they come is that they feel they ought to, a kind of self-flagellation.

This forum is hardly the right place to discuss what is preached and in any case I am hardly the right person to present it in a coherent way - the meetings are open to the public and anyone that interested can attend next year.  Suffice it to say that the the underlying desire is to find out the truth and thus to stand a chance of being set free.

Pity the dog, though - no exercise at all yesterday but I will endeavour to take her out today.

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