Barefoot in frost

This is my first totally barefoot winter. Last winter I was beginning to experiment so carried my trainers with me. This winter I had hoped to be able to say that wearing or carrying shoes was for the weak...

With the dark mornings and now, no thanks to daylight saving, dark evenings I have moved my mid-week runs to lunch time. At the weekend I can choose my time more freely but today I wanted to free up time to fit an extractor fan and wall heater in my daughter's house so I decided to run before breakfast.

I set off at 07:30 and choose my 5 mile lake-shore course. The air temperature was hovering around freezing point, but there had been a fairly sharp frost in the night. The first 100 yards across our frost-covered lawn was painful enough, from there it got worse. It seems as if I was running on feet unaccustomed to barefoot running. Every stone on the road was sharp. Usually the lake-shore is sweet relief from stone-dressed asphalt but this morning the sun had not risen above the mountains so it was frosty. Some of the sand was soft but other areas were frozen so it was very hard on the feet.

And yet they say that "You can’t run barefoot in the snow" is a myth. I wonder if my feet will adapt in time? How long does evolution take?

I would be interested in comments and advice from other barefoot runners...

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