English Conveniences

My title is perhaps a euphemism. I suppose I was amused, nay surprised, that more often than not the loos encountered on our UK trip were somewhat lacking.

The light in the passage outside Ali's mum's bathroom turns on automatically and turns off a few seconds after you leave. When I woke in the night needing the loo, the passageway light did its job and lit the bathroom adequately. I didn't want to turn the bathroom light on because the extractor fan might wake Ali. But the timing was such that the passageway light extinguished just as my business started to flow - every time. I learnt to take a flashlight with me.

Ali's sister's loo seat is one of these gradual descent types. But it is also gradual ascent and takes some force to raise it. If pressed against its upper home position for long enough it will stay there, but for any shorter time, after a few more seconds, just when one is mid-flow, it decides to descend with devastating consequences.

Ali's nephew's loo seat was so loose that it floated to left or right when sat upon. I tightened the fixings as best as I could without tools. One doesn't want to make a fuss.

My sister's loo seat was reminiscent of Ali's sister's, though possibly not quite so forthright.

Ali's cousins loo was strangely at the end of an unnecessarily long narrow passage leading off the bathroom proper. Once again the loo seat, when opened, would only just stay put and would close of its own accord at the slightest provocation.

Is it really that hard to design a loo seat that does what it is told?

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