2024 Foray #0

Strictly this was not a trip so it doesn't qualify for my Foray rules, hence my title #0. I have regarded climbing Church Mountain as both a Foray-prelude and as a kind of test to see if I'm still up for it. At my age one cannot help thinking "this might be the last time I will ever do such-and-such". Seriously. 

Anyway, the self imposed test is to run/walk barefoot from home to Church Mountain and back. I skipped it last year - I think I was too taken up with my 2023 Forays. And that made this year even more of a test. I did it, the off-road parts were delightful as always, but the last few miles on road were hard work, meaning walking pace, and hard on the feet too. It could even be the last time.

23.4km, elevation gain 544m, avg. speed 5.6km/hr

It was ideal weather

The "gulley"

Our lake

The cairn (was it a church?) and beautiful Ireland

A tree - because it was so beautiful