He went for a walk one day and didn’t stop and never went back

My niece-in-law has just posted on her Facebook page an article about a "Mr Treagood [who] lectured in environmental studies in Yorkshire until he turned his back on mainstream life 40 years ago. He went for a walk one day and didn’t stop and never went back.... He walked to the Westcountry, bought a horse and wagon when he had saved enough money."

I like that. It reminds me of Sebastian Rennet who "the next morning walked [for the first time] on the left side of the street, saw a little path, which he had never noticed before as it could not be seen from the other side of the street. It seemed to lead across the fields up over a little hill and far, far away... and said to himself 'I will follow the little path and see where it leads me' ".

I like that - I figure I could do the same. Indeed if the miracle of falling in love with someone who actually wanted to live their life with me had not happened I think I might have - or else, more likely, become a very boring person. More than I presently am, I mean.

And even now my idea of a good walk or run or panorama is one that reminds me of the little path that leads over the hill and far, far away.

1 comment:

  1. http://theozreport.blogspot.ie/2015/02/to-walk-or-not-to-walk.html
