The best part of the day

Could be a nice place to live

At this time of the year it is light way before 6:15 am when I arose this morning for my barefoot constitutional with the dog. The weather has been glorious and the destination was the "shorter lake run" and swim. Without doubt this is the best part of the day, quiet and fresh. You don't see many others running around the lake shore at this time, in fact... And the water is so warm. Naked, one slips into the water like a spoon into tea - none of this agony as one's costume gets wet around the midriff. Of course I cannot condone swimming in the lake as it is strictly taboo: there have been too many fatal drownings over the years. However there are places that I have charted when the lake has been very low and I therefore know to be relatively safe - but I do not go out of my depth even so.

The bridge and over the hills and far away

She somehow manages not to get her head wet

Ain't she beautiful?

Moanbane backdrop

Morning sun on troubled waters

The lake shore

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