Barefoot running new record

Sunday afternoon again - I felt like running away so I did - this is my longest totally barefoot run so far, just short of 11 miles, and about a mile of it was on "loose chippings" that had not yet bedded in much - not very comfortable.  The dog didn't seem to mind though. The link should open in Google Earth (if you have it installed).  The route starts with a segment of my usual "forest run", then through Hollywood to part of St Kevin's way and back along what we call "Goat man's lane".

Yes, I was tired afterwards, but I could have run further.  My feet are coping pretty well - one problem I have at the moment is cracks in the creases underneath where the toes join the foot: I get cracks on my hands too, and the condition is probably related to the nail fungus which I also suffer from.  The best treatment I have found so far for cracks is pink Germolene creme: basically it keeps the area from drying out.  I am not sure if my link is correct as Bayer appear to have rebranded the substance.  I have, of course, tried various topical treatments for the nail fungus and none have worked.  The latest idea is to try healing clay (calcium bentonite) both internally and topically, but I have not plucked up the courage to do this yet as it is fairly invasive.  Any readers that can offer a remedy with first hand experience of its efficacy might like to comment...

1 comment:

  1. Germoline is no longer "pink healing ointment", it has become a less oily substance but still pretty good for cuts etc. I doubt as good for not drying out....

    I recently went on a course (3 months) of Terbinafine (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0001069/) whih is pretty cheap now their patent has run out. This I had long resisted, having read some side effects, but the encroach onto my hands (which I trace back to a black thumbnail I gave myself in Ireland) tipped me over the edge. My left hands skin had it - bad cracking and thin in general skin - I couldn't do dishes because of the dish soap. Then the fingernails were starting at the edges. The course had me take a blood test in the middle to test whether my liver was dying (!) and apparently it wasn't. I experienced none of the side effects, and now at the end of the course I can say it did fix the cracked skin and fingernails - toenails still to grow out but I had been warned about the slowness of that. Supposedly though once you have had it you catch it easier - dunno what that means for me but I am determined to at least use oregano oil or something like on my toenails for the foreseeable future...
