Class inversion

In the UK one's class is determined predominantly by birthright. As my father owned a small building business wikipedia reckons my class is "ONS group 4".

ONS class structure in UK

On trying out the BBC class calculator it reckoned that my class is "Emergent service workers - a new, young, urban group which is relatively poor but has high social and cultural capital" which, I must confess, was a bit of a surprise to me.

My wife, who considers her background to be "upper middle class" (her father was a solicitor and she went to Cheltenham Ladies College), claims that I am, at best, only "lower middle class"...

I am reasonably educated, I attended a grammar school and then Oriel college, Oxford where I obtained a first class honours degree in Natural Sciences (Physics). I worked at the elitist BBC Research Department where I qualified as "Research Engineer". I am a member of the Institute of Engineering and Technology and am entitled to place "CEng" after my name. For what it is worth I am also a "Certified Water Specialist" as recognised by the WQA. Although my spelling can be a bit wobbly at times I know when to write it's as opposed to its and you're as opposed to your. I generally call the female species of humans "women" and reserve the title "lady" to those who deserve it. I will use a butter knife if one is provided and leave my knife and fork in the correct position when I have finished eating, and I try not to talk with my mouth full. Whilst the cherry stones rule possibly excludes me from All Souls, Oxford, I think I do better with them than some. And I like (some) classical music and cannot abide background music.

But I am a true engineer at heart. Whilst I run an electronics design and prototyping business for a living, when necessary I will get my hands dirty (and smelly) sorting out the drains or the sump pump in our septic tank. I do plumbing and electrical repairs and am not afraid to get involved in other building trades within reason. And I run (through mud if necessary) barefoot.

All of which leads to a curious case of Class Inversion. In the presence of people who exhibit the tell-tales, of which I have listed some above, I sometimes find myself considered as, referred to indeed, as lower class. Not directly of course - just by implication. Listen - this does not offend me, rather I consider it a privilege to be recognised amongst their ranks. Just that it makes me wonder - what am I?

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