First long run 2018

Ali is away in Kenya of all places, leading a seminar for teachers of all activities. Having no other call on my time I ran away (and back) yesterday and exercised my bike today.

Just over 13 miles

The route evolved as I went along and followed much that I have traversed in former years. The jiggle on the left, at Ballymore Eustace, is my checking up on the Old Woollen Mill the renovation of which is coming along although I do not what the objective is.

Shepherding somewhere near Broadleas

River Liffey crossing at Ballymore Eustace

The old woollen mill under renovation
The next off-road segment is on the way to Russborough where one climbs over a broken bit of wall. I feel sort of entitled to do this because Russborough is open to the public. And any way I like running across grassy meadows.

Russborough from behind

The final off road segment is my habitual use of the Blessington Greenway. One has to support any attempts to increase the number of public footpaths in Ireland, few as there are.

Misty trees along Blessington Greenway
The last 4 miles or so was hard work. The only way to survive it was to try not to think about one's legs, just keep going and going and going. Thinking about the goal - turning into our drive, undressing and a hot shower, a cup of tea - any detraction from the thud, thud of bare feet on tarmac.

Why do I do it? Really enjoyable runs are the long ones, but not without working up to them. Four or five miles (my default) just are not long enough to get past the initial hard work. And remember I had quite a few weeks "off" with the broken rib and then two weeks in Kenya.  So 13 miles is a precursor. I have a sort of goal of getting to Lobawn but it would be a long round trip.

And then today I didn't bother with tracking as the route was not in any way special. I cycled around the Lake Drive through Lacken to Manor Kilbride and then back home via Blessington. It was drizzling most of the time with very occasional sunny bits, and cold. But it was exercise, and one that I would prefer hands down to this activity called "working out" carried out in unnatural gyms.

Then fish and chips, home made, followed by choc brownie left over from last night, washed down with a can of cider.

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