Busy busy

All work and no play makes me not write blog posts.

I'm teaching three mornings a week now, plus the necessary marking and preparation time, doing less but still some electronic design, working on various building projects in the house here, and various other calls on my time including my regular barefoot runs. And things like eating and sleeping. And thus the week fills up. Not that I'm complaining - I prefer being busy than idle. Or maybe the reason for no posts is lack of muse. Or is it just this cold and wet time of the year? Or is it due to recovering from a combined cold and flu thing that has lasted almost four weeks?

But I'm off to Africa on 1st March - to visit my daughter and son-in-law who are there for an extended period setting up a church-sponsored pre-school.  That should provide some blogging material if nothing else does! Although barefoot running is not recommended in rural Africa due to nasty worms that burrow into and live beneath the skin. On the whole then, cold and wet as it might be just now, Ireland has a lot to offer. No snakes, no dangerous animals, no malaria, and plenty of mountains, lakes, rivers and beaches where you'll meet only the occasional and like-minded person, if anyone.

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