Been to the river and

A baptism in the local river, followed by a picnic for all. The chosen spot is idyllic and the river is gentle and warm. The children enjoyed messing about in the water. I thought all but the registered sun haters would make an afternoon of it but, no, directly after lunch there was a general exodus.

As I had come by bike I decided to stay longer. I explored up and down the river trying my skill at rock jumping barefoot - it is much easier to judge landing than when clad. Some way upriver I discovered a lonely pool deep enough to swim in and I took time to enjoy it. There is nothing quite so nice on a hot day as floating, naked, in flowing water that is deliciously cool but not at all cold. Obviously I'm not telling the pool's exact location.

Well over 4 ft deep and enough for a couple of swimming strokes

From a different angle

Intrepid me

Complete with a sandy shore
After thus cooling down I destroyed it all by cycling up to the Wicklow Gap and back just because, well nothing ventured nothing gained.  My last picture is just to demonstrate my presence there (or at least that of my bike).

Facing Turlough Hill, Wicklow Gap

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