
A typical Saturday with Ali still away.  I lay in bed enjoying being warm and not having to get up too early. Usual cereal and mug of tea to jump-start my body into action. At 0900 prompt I join my son-in-law removing hardcore from the tunnel. You may ask why was there hardcore in the tunnel but this is too public a place to explain. Lunchtime thankfully eventually relieves us. After lunch I do some quick summary research on the subject of bicycles. You may ask why bicycles? Well, I am going to buy one. I have never purchased a new bike for myself before and did not anticipate that it would be so difficult. Last Saturday I checked out a bike shop in Newbridge; during the week I have been doing the inevitable internet research.  So today I biked into Blessington (7 miles) to check out the new bike shop there. The proprietor Tom gave me a lot of his time and pretty much sold me a Trek 1.2.

Then back again, change from bike gear to running gear and take the dog for a 5 mile run.

Back again to put the final coat of emulsion on our bedroom wall where the damp got in, only to find that the paint is bad - I'll have to buy some more. So I took a bath instead.

Finally to the kitchen. I have had plans for a lump of what looked like cheese that has been lurking in the fridge since Ali left. You should never keep cheese in the fridge. You should never wrap cheese: it needs to breathe. Mr Cave hmmmmm! taught me that much. This lump was very well wrapped and in the fridge. On releasing it from its prison behold it was a strange grey colour.

After removing a 3mm layer all round it resumed the normal yellow colour and became the major ingredient for dinner. Regrettably not as good as my mum cooked it.  Slice potatoes, par boil, fry in butter and olive oil (my mum would have used lard), grate cheese over and grill.

Cheese on saute potatoes

Followed by some apple pie and another large red mug of tea.  If I die from cheese poisoning - well there will be no more antonalyptic.  BTW have all my readers discovered yet why I chose that name?


  1. Because it's unusual therefore unlikely to be used by other bloggers?

  2. It'd have to be more than that
