

Bridge over troubled water

So I did it!  Earlier in the year I had almost made it so the challenge just had to be repeated. Willand to Bickleigh and back, 16.8 miles, total elevation gain 842m, average speed moving 5.8 mph, barefoot of course. Here are some of my pictures to prove it.

Looking north towards Turley Down

Butterleigh village

Butterleigh Meadow

Looking back towards Butterleigh Meadow

Descending to Exe Valley

Bickleigh Mill

Devon Railway Centre

River Exe looking north from the bridge

Bridge over troubled water?

Locals maintained that the historic Bickleigh bridge was inspiration for Bridge Over Troubled Water, but sadly this claim has been refuted. The singers did, however, hang out around here for a while.

St. Mary's church, Bickleigh

Fowl activity on the way back

Almost back - crossing the M5 early morning

My track

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