The Lost Chord

The Lost Chord is a song composed by Arthur Sullivan. For me it evokes distant childhood memories the details of which evade me. I also remember a clever play on words which amused me, from some radio show: 

Seated two days at the organ, I was weary and ill at ease...

The concept of a lost chord fascinated me, still does in fact - I love to explore new harmonic relationships. Like as in Frank Lloyd Wright, all of the nights we'd harmonize 'til dawn. But this post is not really about a lost chord but rather a lost key albeit with its similarly seductive effect on me. It happened after this wise....

I can identify with Earl in Pickles cartoons like this. To combat my wobbly short term memory I have learnt to designate places where certain items belong. The Kia ignition key, for example, is either in the ignition or in my pocket when I'm out. When not in use the key lives in a little basket in the office.

My alternate pair of glasses (I have one for close work and another for long distance) goes in my shirt pocket, or stays in a drawer in my bedroom if not in use.  My hearing aid goes in my pocket when I need it, otherwise it lives in that drawer.  And so on: wallet, passports, senior travel card...

A couple of weeks ago I had to go out in the evening unexpectedly to help a friend install his new washing machine. So I took my tool bag. On coming back home I remember returning my tool bag to my office where it belongs, filling in the log book (we record all car usage) and was pretty sure I then locked the car and returned the key to the basket.

Several days later I needed to use the Kia again, so went to get the key and it wasn't there. Fortunately we have a spare key which I was obliged to use. And so the first key remained lost until last night, despite my repeatedly searching my memory and every possible place - what exactly did I do with the key? I wasted a considerable amount of time and heart ache hunting for it. After several days of these shenanigans A advised me to leave it be - we'd have to buy a replacement - but I couldn't leave it.

I checked the log book - yes I was the last person to use the Kia. I checked the odometer and there were no missing kilometres, so it had to be my fault. I asked other folk here to join me looking for the key, to no avail - doubtless they imagined - "it's just Michael again, the key will eventually turn up".

And then, on top of this, I lost my long distance glasses. Not to mention the daily minor fights like - where did I put my phone? Did I put my wallet in the drawer where it lives? The glasses likewise remained lost for several days, despite my looking "everywhere". 

And so I was beating myself up cruel about this ridiculous state of affairs. It's one thing to misplace something for an hour or two, but when the things have considerable value or nuisance factor, and the loss persists for days, weeks, despite repeated hunting... Or one's memory turning up something that did not happen. False memory syndrome? I began to doubt my sanity. Or was this the onset of dementia?  Seriously.

Whilst all this was happening I had an appointment with my GP for a routine check-up and learnt that my blood test results showed a higher than normal PSA reading - with all that implies.

And then a few days back A found the glasses (broken) in the washing machine. Phew! And last evening my daughter found the Kia key in her coat pocket, a coat she didn't often wear. Apparently she had used the Kia to drive to the barn, not far enough to have incremented the odometer. She had considered it unnecessary to record such a short journey in the log book.  

And on taking a second blood test the PSA value had reduced to well within the normal range, although the doctor wants me to schedule a third test and examination "to be sure to be sure" as they say over here.

Phew and triple Phew, perhaps I am not so senile after all! What relief! O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!

The lesson?  Of course I know the theory: "have no anxiety about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds..." but when you're in the battle it's not quite that easy. If lesson there be, clearly I have not learnt it.

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