
In the field of dynamical systems an attractor is a set of numerical values toward which a system tends to evolve, so says Wikipedia.  An example is the lowest point of a damped, swinging pendulum to which the pendulum gravitates.

I've noticed during my barefoot runs (on the road), that the probability of vehicles converging from opposite directions and wanting to pass just where I am, sometimes causing me to jump onto the verge and take what thistles, brambles and stinging nettles come my way, seems to be higher than statistics should predict. Thus it appears as if I'm an attractor. Of vehicles.

This lunch time I wanted to go into the kitchen - there are two doorways between our dining area and kitchen. I headed for the nearest one and found two women nattering and blocking the doorway. As this is a frequent occurrence I simply went towards the other door but, lo and behold, another knot of the female variety were blocking that one too. I considered the long way of going outside and trying to enter by the kitchen's outside door but thankfully the knot rearranged itself sufficiently for me, carrying my stack of dirty dishes, to squeeze past.  It appears therefore that doorways are attractors. Of women.

Not wishing to be unduly sexist, for all I know it may be (although I have not observed it) that men also like to talk in doorways but that it is a less common occurrence because, generally, men natter less than women.


  1. Maybe this is just Mr Murphy at work. Besides, a friend tells me that men talk just as much if not more... (Despite what my experience tells me) and this article seems to agree somewhat https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/features/do-women-talk-more-than-men/ :)

  2. If that's the case then Mr Murphy has a lot to answer for!

  3. Depending on the context my experience tells me men natter just as much as women and in some cases definitely more, they just talk about different things!
