Out of Africa - Lake Victoria

We travelled in a boat like this

Early on in our visit we enjoyed a two hour boat ride on Lake Victoria starting at Hippo Point just south of Kisumu.  As with all my blog posts you can click on the images to increase their size.

Showing the Kisumu inlet

Lake Victoria is the world's second largest fresh water lake by surface area, after Lake Superior in North America, and is the head of the White Nile. Our boat journey took us a few miles south of Hippo Point and thus wholly within the relatively small inlet in the lake hosting Kisumu, and yet even this part of the lake appears immense.

Our tour guide

Fishing, and the distant shore

Fish market, Dunga beach

That which we came to see

Personally I found the surreal almost lack of horizon more stunning than the hippos. After all you can see hippos in any zoo but the misty flatness was peculiar to Lake Victoria. I am reminded of those sky-sea-scape scenes in the Life of Pi, a film which I found intensely beautiful even if the plot was slightly odd. I would gladly watch the film again just to gorge myself on those scenes.

No sign of the distant shore

No sign now of even the horizon

All about me was flatness and infinity, an endless panorama... 
(from the novel by Yann Martel)

Yann's sentiment expressed in the film Life of Pi

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