Boys a dear! An exclamation in norn-iron (Northern Ireland) speak. It's a great phrase because it can be used in so many different situations, like "Boys a dear, it's warm today isn't it?"
Something unusual happened today.
First the back-story: the townland of Lugnagroagh includes some forestry on a hillside and is just up the road from where we live so is a favourite destination for an afternoon walk. Recently some bike trails have appeared in the forest and I've made it my job to investigate them. Clearly a lot of effort has been put into creating these trails and I wanted to find out more. My first map (courtesy OpenTopoMaps in OruxMaps) shows the general lie of the land, with the bike tracks in red.
My second map zooms in using Google aerial view to which I have added the existing forestry tracks in green and ESB power lines in yellow. Broken red lines are paths that existed before the bike trails appeared. I have labelled the various bike trails arbitrarily with letters A, B, etc. The blue 'P' is a parking area. Click on the image to enlarge it.
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My OruxMaps GPS tracks in red |
A few days ago I discovered trail 'A' previously unknown to me up to where it joins an existing path. Whilst ascending this trail I met a trio of boys on BMX bikes. That was no surprise for it was a bike trail on which I was "trespassing": what surprised me was that they chose to stop to talk to me, asking if I often came here, etc. After this brief encounter I continued my upward way, reached the cell-phone tower and, looking for a return path, discovered trail E. Similarly, a few days later I discovered trail D.
These trails are narrow paths peppered with well cambered bends and obstacles sometimes using existing boulders or fallen tree trunks or just man made humps of earth, on what is often quite steep terrain. Certainly exciting, possibly dangerous, but I am so glad that someone has taken the trouble to make these trails and that there are youngsters intrepid enough to enjoy navigating them.
So today I fancied I would complete my reconnoitre and found myself ascending previously undiscovered trail C and met two boys with their BMX's, doubtless the same group. The amazing thing was that, once again, they actually volunteered to stop to talk and wish me well. I asked if they had helped to create the tracks and one of them had, and I indicated my approval. All of which made my day (I am kind of easily pleased by such pleasantries, camaraderie indeed, coming from the younger generation).