

More lump and beautiful Devon

The final touches on that bowl I found in a lump of firewood - the elegant punctures rule this bowl out for wine drinking, but turn it into a knitting yarn bowl. I cannot vouch for the two small holes in addition to the spiral - but that's how they are.

And now in mid Devon again, running barefoot through sticky mud in Hunkin Wood and my favourite Culm river meadows and enjoying the daffodils.



I found this in a lump of firewood


Just as Michelangelo must have seen David inside a block of white marble, so this bowl came out of an odd piece of firewood which otherwise I would have thrown in the boiler. The photograph hardly does it justice: the grain patterns are beautifully complex and it is silky smooth to the touch. Whereas the firewood out of which it arose was rough, ill-shapen and full of knots.

Is this a picture of the human psyche? That something so profound could lie inside a rough exterior? If so I would hasten to point out that both firewood and bowl are of the same material, and each one's work will become manifest, for the Day will disclose it, because it will be revealed by fire, and the fire will test what sort of work each one has done